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Item ANÁLISIS DE LA INFLUENCIA DE LOS STICKERS DE WHATSAPP EN LA RECORDACIÓN DE MARCA Y PROCESO DE COMPRA DEL CONSUMIDOR(2020-04-13) Zambrano Muñoz, Jessica Noemi.; Barbery Montoya, Danny.In recent years, the development of technology has become the greatest ally for brands by allowing ways to reach the consumer's mind and make them value these brands increasingly in number, innovation and effectiveness. The invention of social networks has changed the way of communication of brands in such a way that not using them today is totally inconceivable. One of the updates on social networks that has caused a furor in consumers recently is the use of stickers in the instant messaging application: WhatsApp. The objective of this study was to analyze how the use of these stickers as part of a brand's communication strategy can contribute to its remembrance and influence consumer loyalty and the purchasing process. To achieve the objective, a survey was conducted of both men and women between 20 and 30 years old who are WhatsApp users. The main results of this research indicate that stickers can influence brand recall and increase its value, but not directly in the purchase intention of the brand.Item PLAN DE MARKETING PARA EL REPOSICIONAMIENTO DE LA EMPRESA FRENO PRECISO CIA. LTDA. DE LA CIUDAD DE GUAYAQUIL(2020-04-13) Echeverría Salgado, Eyaní Yalila.; Salas Luzuriaga, Allison Nicole.Nowadays Ecuador’s truck and tractor spare parts market has great potential due to the low supply of direct importers who have a wide distribution channel and offer benefits to their demand such as guarantee, price and payment deadline. This project aims to retain the current customers of Freno Preciso Cía. Ltda. Company from Guayaquil City, through the design and implementation of a marketing plan that contributes to the repositioning of the company through benefits according to its level of classification to increase its purchase amount and subsequently to ascend category. For this, 50 clients from the company's portfolio were selected, evaluated and classified into three categories (A, B and C) through Customer Score Matrix that contemplate four criteria: age, frequency of purchase, amount of purchase and default. Also, through the application of financial indicators the implementation of the present marketing plan resulted in a 12.5% increase in projected revenues to 2024.Item LA HEGEMONÍA EN LOS MEDIOS DIGITALES COMO FORTALEZA TECNOLÓGICA EN LAS EMPRESAS MIPYME EN GUAYAQUIL(2020-04-13) Herrera Montaño, Shirley Estefanía.; López Mendoza, TeresaDigital media as a technological strength in Mipyme companies in Guayaquil, is an issue where companies seek innovation in the media for Internet users, which allow profitability with the use of e-Marketing, e-commerce and e- mail. The problem is reflected in the limited internet management culture for carrying out the main actions for payment of service and interactive commerce, despite the fact that users have multiplied in network management, it is considered that one of the drawbacks is usually the lack of adequate computer security standards, the objective is to determine the hegemony of social networks in the promotion and advertising of brands aimed at consumers, evaluating the interest of Internet users when describing a brand through the Internet. With promotion and advertising, in addition to the proactive use of digital media. The methodology is exploratory and descriptive in nature, with a qualitative and quantitative approach using research tools such as observation, interview and surveys that allow observing innovation in digital media to reach the conclusion that there are varieties of actions to reach the client to through social networks.Item PLAN DE MARKETING PARA EL DESARROLLO DE UNA EMPRESA DE ROPA DE SEGUNDA MANO COMO ALTERNATIVA CONTRA EL FAST FASHION(2020-04-13) Cedeño Sánchez, Melanie.; Barbery Montoya, Danny.Item ESTUDIO SOBRE LA PREFERENCIA DE CONSUMO DE LA MARCA SPACE TECHNOLOGY EN EL MERCADO DE LA CIUDAD DE GUAYAQUIL(2020-05-13) Mendoza Cabrera, María Nathalia.; Salas Luzuriaga, Edgar.The issue regarding the study on the consumer preference of the Space Technology brand in Guayaquil is made due to the various limitations in communication with distributors, affecting the institutional image and expansion in digital media. The problem is if the corporate identity and image are properly applied in the consumption of Space Technology brand products. The general objective is to determine the line of communication and corporate identity of the products to achieve consumer preference, applying the strategies of a corporate culture, in addition to evaluating the strategic participation of distributors and customers. The methodology is exploratory and descriptive in nature with a qualitative and quantitative approach, using instruments such as observation and survey. The results achieved indicate that greater control of the corporate image is required, in order to broaden the negotiations. The proposal will allow the entity to detail new options to expand the product portfolio to all distributors and customersItem LA EXPERIENCIA DE MARCA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA FIDELIZACIÓN DE LOS CLIENTES. UN COMPARATIVO ENTRE SWEET & COFFEE Y JUAN VALDEZ(2020-04-13) Luar Alexander, Salazar Muñoz.; Godoy Zuñiga, María Elena.The purpose of this study is to establish a comparative analysis between the marketing strategies applied by the brands, in order to determine their impact on customer loyalty. In that sense, two coffee shops located in the city of Guayaquil: Sweet & Coffee and Juan Valdez were selected to evaluate relational marketing strategies and the generation of benefits for companies. So a survey of 320 users of these brands was applied, according to the SERVPERF model, postulated by Taylor and Cronin in 1992, whose dimensions contain five categories: tangible elements, security, responsiveness, empathy and reliability. Through this evaluation, the main result was that generic customer loyalty strategies are best applied by Sweet & Coffee who also care about empowering their staff, achieving better customer service and resulting in a loyal customer. While Juan Valdez, he has not considered applying strategies such as staff training, responsiveness and facilities where the business develops. This concludes that branding experience has a direct bearing on customer loyalty when using generic loyalty strategies.Item LA GESTIÓN DE CRISIS Y SU INFLUENCIA EN LA REPUTACIÓN DE GOBIERNE. CASO GOBIERNO DEL ECUADOR PANDEMIA COVID-19(2020-04-13) Beltrán Betancourt, Jesús.; Gogoy Zuñiga, María Elena.The reputation of government is important, it depends on projecting credibility and gaining the trust of the constituents, to enjoy governance. Building a good reputation takes years of effort and can be destroyed by any type of crisis in a few minutes; even more so in digital times, where the diffusion of the message can travel the entire world in an instant, through the use of the internet, social networks, multimedia messages. That is why, faced with the large number of risks and threats that may arise, crisis communication management plays a fundamental role in protecting the government's reputation. In the present study, the importance of anticipation and preparation as strategies in crisis management is raised, whose tangible benefit is to shield and / or protect the reputation of the government, so that it supports or reduces the impact and damage that may occur. cause a crisis situation. The application of a qualitative methodology enriched the analysis of the facts, the conclusions of which were contrasted with a focus group of professionals in crisis communication and human behavior, which confirmed that poor crisis management negatively affects the reputation of government and officials.Item CLIMA ORGANIZACIONAL Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA SATISFACCIÓN LABORAL DE LOS EMPLEADOS CON DISCAPACIDAD. ESTUDIO DE CASO.(2020-04-13) Alvarez Márquez, Doménica Alexandra.; Godoy M., María Elena.Job satisfaction involves a series of factors such as salary, promotions, incentives and other activities, which have a high level of impact on employees. Likewise, organizations must incorporate personnel with disabilities to play a competitive role within companies. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the organizational climate and its impact on the job satisfaction of employees with disabilities. The approach is quantitative and a survey was applied to 105 collaborators on measurement of Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction based on the theoretical perspectives of Herzberg, Smith, Kendall; Hullin and Vidaurre Ramírez. The main result that was evidenced in the research was that the collaborators are satisfied in the company, since they maintain good interpersonal relationships with their colleagues and bosses, agree with the salary they receive and feel that the company contributes to their growth. personal and professional.Item LA COMUNICACIÓN ORGANIZACIONAL Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LOS DERECHOS DE LOS COLABORADORES CON RESPECTO A LA LACTANCIA MATERNA(2020-04-13) Villafuerte Bastidas, Mónica Victoria.; Caleño Cedeño, Katherine.Communicating rights and keeping company employees informed is taking a positive step towards good living. In order to analyze the lack of organizational communication regarding the inter-ministerial norm of support for breastfeeding rooms, a survey was conducted to measure the level of disinformation of people; taking as a sample a group of 404 people, they were selected according to age and gender; The survey covered questions that specifically focused on communication, rights and breastfeeding. The main result was that people had a high percentage of misinformation on the subject and that in companies there was a great lack of effective communication regarding rights. Therefore, it is concluded that they have a non-efficient organizational communication of the rights even though there are media source to communicate in the companies.Item PROPUESTA DE PLAN DE IMAGEN CORPORATIVA PARA EL CENTRO TURÍSTICO “EL PANTANAL”, UBICADO EN EL KM 23 VÍA A DAULE, A TRAVÉS DE GENERACIÓN DE CONTENIDO AUDIOVISUAL.(2019-04-13) Díaz Bajaña, Nadia Maritza; Zavala Coronel, Saluha Maythé; Campoverde Rojas, JanethItem INCIDENCIA DE LAS RR.PP. EN LA DIFUSIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN PARA ADQUISICIÓN DE SEGUROS DE INCENDIO – CASO: ASEGURADORA DEL ESTADO(2018-01) Cabrera Moncayo, Cindy Karina; Campoverde, JanethThe insurance sector in Ecuador had a great impact in 2016 following the earthquake of 7.8 degrees, which occurred on April 16 of the same year, in the areas of Manabí and Esmeraldas. This incident generated a great socio-political and economic impact for this sector, giving greater prominence to the role played by insurers when obtaining new homes and hiring the respective insurance. The objective of this article is to analyze the incidence of Public Relations in the dissemination of information for the acquisition of fire insurance and its role in the insurance market. During the development of the work, the management and assessment of communication strategies by the State insurer to communicate with its users was reviewed, quantitative techniques such as the survey and qualitative such as the interview were used for this purpose, which determined how conclusion that the most used communication tool by users considered as technological, is the application of whatsapp because it is the most used and to which the insured are familiar; In addition, the role of Public Relations in the insurance market is to place the client in the center, which means offering information in a timely, fast and complete manner as a commitment of the organizational culture.Item INCIDENCIA DE LOS ESTILOS DE COMUNICACIÓN EN LAS NEGOCIACIONES DE LOS CORREDORES DE SEGUROS(2018-01) Franco Puga, Juan Pablo; Morales, CarlotaInsurance institutions worsen the economic impact that the vicissitudes of life cause and the legal validity of them has allowed society to transfer risks to insurance companies. Despite the awareness of the risks to which Ecuadorians are exposed, most people do not value insurance companies in their real dimension. Why Ecuadorians are reluctant to take out insurance against claims? The purpose of the research was to determine the communication styles in the insurance brokers' negotiations to suggest forms and communication tools to be applied in the improvement of communication in the negotiations of the insurance brokers with their potential clients. To realize this work we proceeded to use the qualitative method through which the incidence of communication styles was determined in the negotiations of insurance brokers. The results were: prices, poor communication and lack of information such as some of the causes that indicate why people do not hire an insurance policy, among other findingsItem INCIDENCIA DEL FRAMING EN LA FUNCIÓN LEGISLATIVA, CASO FERNANDO BUSTAMANTE ASAMBLEÍSTA DEL ECUADOR, PERÍODO 2009 A MAYO 2017(2018-01) Añasco Solórzano, Priscila Lorena; Calero Cedeño, KatherineFraming is an originally psychological theory; its literal translation into Spanish is theory of framing, in its simplest essence it refers to people that understand and react to events based on mental patterns of interpretation. During the last two decades it has also been developed in fields such as sociological and communicational. In Ecuador, with the creation of the Organic Law of Communication, the figure of media lynching was typified as a mean of harassment and intimidation, with the aim of weakening and damaging the image of certain individuals, in particular. This research aims to study the Framing theory and analyze media lynching in the Ecuadorian legislative function, such as legal case Fernando Bustamante. As a methodology, oral communications were used on the experts Sandra Correa, María Augusta Calle and Darío Ramos, in addition to a bibliographical review, which allows to give certain guidelines of the process of political framing, besides verifying that the former Assemblymember was not a victim of media lynching.Item INCIDENCIA DE LA COMUNICACIÓN CORPORATIVA EN LAS ENTIDADES PÚBLICAS: CASO MUNICIPIO DEL CANTÓN PASAJE(2017-09) Polo Sánchez, Celia Anabelle; López M., TeresaThe main idea of this recent investigation is to identify the gaps in communicative processes within the GAD Public Relations Department, by fulfilling the national politics applied to public institutions, with the intention of proposing the appropriate measures to improve internal and external communication while enhancing their social responsibilities. The problems are the concerns detected by the institution workers toward the organization. A deductive-analysis is applied when interpreting the field investigation results through a survey carried out to the area collaborators and head managers, also to an evaluation format that facilitates the understanding of the problem from an objective perspective, such instruments measured the compliance grades of the national rules concerning public entities, the study is based on similar investigations obtained from databases where the conceptual criteria are redefined according to the author's skill in characterizing the study relevance, as the final part the conclusions are detailed, it is expressed that technical guidelines should be applied in the entity, enhancing its performance and encouraging citizen participation within its social responsibilities.Item INCIDENCIA DE LOS DISPOSITIVOS MÓVILES EN LA COMUNICACIÓN INTERNA DE LAS ORGANIZACIONES ACADÉMICAS(2018-01) Cedillo Paredes, Doménica; Morales, CarlotaIn recent years the internal communication of organizations has undergone great changes that are directly related to the use of mobile devices (D.M.) within them. The problem that was addressed was that despite the positive innovations that derive from the use of (D.M.) not all changes are satisfactory for the smooth running of organizations. In the present investigation, the academic organizations were taken as reference, through the case study of the University of the Armed Forces ESPE of Ecuador. The purpose of the study was to consider the use of mobile devices for internal communication among teachers, students and academic staff and also to refer the disadvantages to propose recommendations based on interviews with experts in Communication and Higher Education. As the university cloister forging future professionals, the study becomes a focal point, where variables such as: the influence of mobile devices within the classroom, contrasting it with the academic and communicational effects they produce, are analyzed. The methodology was analytical, bibliographic and descriptive. The results reveal that mobile devices are tools that improve internal communication processes. In relation to the benefits: they provide speed and efficiency.Item EFECTOS DE LA CRISIS FINANCIERA MUNDIAL EN LAS COMPAÑÍAS DE LA INDUSTRIA INMOBILIARIA DE GUAYAQUIL, EN EL PERIODO 2008-2009(2009-10-13) Amador Avellán, Esteban José; Garcia, JorgeThe idea of my thesis arises from a labor and very personal experience in the real-estate sector of the city of Guayaquil, of which I have acquired the necessary and precise knowledge to analyze the economic impact that suffers a magnanimous industry to turn stalked by a crisis that seems to triumph with all the business without making one alone in foot. In September, 2008 enter to work in a managerial real-estate group with great path on the market, where I began to soak in the managing and functioning of the sector of exhaustive form. With the step of the months I could realize that the stability was not the characteristic mas precise to define a real-estate sector that historically one must have fitted to the pace of the sway of the economic policies ofItem PROPUESTA DE DESARROLLO Y EXPANSION INTERNACIONAL (CANADA) DE LA EMPRESA “NEGOCIACIÓN BANANERA OMAR PALADINES”.(2013-03-13) Álvarez Sánchez, Cinthia Lorena; Calderón, ElbaThe sale of banana to exporters every day is more restrictive since exporters do not expire with the stipulated price or diminish the quotas in the purchase of the boxes of banana, for which the desire of the company comes " Negotiation Bananera Omar Paladins " of growing as exporter and Canada to expand to a new market as exporter of banana. Canada is one of the countries bigger of the world and a developed country that stimulates the import of fruits and vegetables principally of Latin-American countries being his principal reasons they are the climate that prevents from cultivating and promoting to the Canadian population a healthy supply based on fruits, cereals and vegetables. It is a great market and continues growing to multicultural level They were realized you poll experts of the topic who collaboratedItem DISEÑO DE UN PLAN DE ACCIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL EN LA HACIENDA SAN GERMAN III EN EL CANTON MILAGRO(2014-01-13) Alvarez Ordoñez, Maria AuxiliadoraAt present, many agricultural companies do not consider to be necessary the implementation of a plan compromised with the well-being of the environment, as well as to support a firm social and economic commitment. The Estate San Germán III located in the canton Miracle, province of the Guayas, devotes himself to the production of banana of export, and as the companies mentioned previously, does not rely on a strategic model of planeación and implementation of social managerial responsibility, which would allow to the company in mention, that his actions, projects and capture of decisions, in general, should be based on the beginning and philosophy of improving the quality of life of his third parties, being these: shareholders, collaborators, suppliers, clients, final consumers, the community, the future onesItem SISTEMATIZACIÓN DE EXPERIENCIAS DEL PROCESO DE PRODUCCIÓN DEL DOCU-REALITY EDUCATIVO FAMILIAS CON HIJOS ADOLESCENTES.(2015-02) Peñaherrera, Ángela Isadora; Poveda Benites, SylviaThe Aprendamos project is a non-presential learning system that offers courses on technology, small business, customer care, citizenship values, family health, nutrition, inclusion, among others. It is based on three elements for teaching: the book of the course with its contents, the TV show, and the tutorial center, where the users go to subscribe and ask questions when in need of guidance. To innovate in the format of the show, it was decided make the course Familias con Hijos Adolescentes. The audiovisual productions that involve humanistic topics carry complex technical processes and demands of its participants a high level of dedication and emotional intelligence. There are no specific formats or guides for the different stages and processes of an educational television production, this lead to problems with the general schedule and lack of similarity between the different production units. This document explores the necessary processes in the production of a TV show of this genre and, through a systematization of experiences, identifies its problems and solutions so that it serves as a guide for future productions.Item PROYECTO PILOTO DE COMUNICACIÓN ENCAMINADO A CONTRARRESTAR LA SOBREPOBLACIÓN ANIMAL MEDIANTE ESTUDIO DE FACTIBILIDAD DIRIGIDO A ESTUDIANTES DEL COLEGIO FISCAL “PDTE. CARLOS JULIO AROSEMENA TOLA”(2011-10) Rosales Coello, María Teresa; Mosquera, MarleneLa sobrepoblación de animales domésticos es una situación frecuente en el mundo, lo que ocasiona uno de los más grandes problemas sociales que los activistas defensores de los derechos de los animales deben enfrentar. Los animales que se reproducen indiscriminadamente son las víctimas de esta tragedia que involucra directamente a las personas que irresponsablemente les permiten reproducirse, entre ellos, los dueños de los animales, las personas que irresponsablemente los comercializan y a las autoridades locales que son indiferentes ante esta situación. Es muy lamentable comprobar que en los países latinoamericanos existe una gran falta de información respecto a lo que verdaderamente significa la tenencia responsable de un animal doméstico. A pesar de honrosas excepciones, existen países en donde los animales son considerados objetos descartables que a la larga sufrirán abusos masivos en manos de personas indiferentes y crueles. Bajo este circunstancia y ante la necesidad de combatir este mal en la ciudad de Guayaquil se requiere contar con un plan de comunicación, que genere acciones eficaces a favor de un cambio de mentalidad en la sociedad acerca de esta problemática, partiendo desde la comunicación asertiva y bien direccionada a los estudiantes de un sector específico de la urbe y sus comunidades hasta llegar a las autoridades locales. Lo más importante del contenido del documento está en que los individuos conozcan de la existencia del plan comunicacional para que se encuentren en la capacidad de responder positivamente a las acciones de comunicación que buscan contrarrestar la sobrepoblación animal, a través de campañas masivas de esterilización y de la ejecución de un plan piloto colegial, en el que se capacite a los estudiantes utilizando herramientas audiovisuales, charlas , talleres, para que a su vez ellos sean el vínculo con la comunidad en la ejecución del proyecto. De esta manera se pretende generar una cultura animal en los ciudadanos que además involucra el trato ético hacia los animales. En la ciudad de Guayaquil existen algunas entidades como la Fundación Amigos de los Animales (FADA), que cuenta con un refugio que alberga alrededor de 455 mascotas (entre perros y gatos) y con un dispensario médico (donde se brinda atención a bajo costo con la finalidad de que los