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Item CREACIÓN DE MANUAL DE MARCA PARA LA CORPORACIÓN GUSTAFF.(2019-04-13) Arevalo Correa, Hazel Nicholle; Moncayo Romero, MarioItem MANUAL DE MARCA DE LA CIUDAD DE BABAHOYO CAPITAL DE LA PROVINCIA DE LOS RÍOS.(2018-09-13) Yerovi Villalba, Carlos Arturo; Moncayo Romero, Mario.Item CREACIÓN DE MANUAL DE MARCA PARA GLAM CLOSET(2018-09-13) Díaz Alava, Ritha Alejandra; Moncayo, MarioItem CREACIÓN DE MANUAL DE MARCA PARA LA MARCA “AICHA”(2018-09-13) Luque Barberán, María Belén; Moncayo Romero, MarioItem E-PROMOTION EN PEQUEÑAS Y MEDIANAS EMPRESAS COMO HERRAMIENTA DIGITAL PARA INICIAR Y MANTENER UNA RELACIÓN CON LOS CLIENTE(2017-07-13) Quezada Mora, Gabriel; Moncayo, MarioThe E-Promotion combines some very powerful tools through the use of various digital platforms for the realization of personalized electronic promotions focused on niche markets, which is what is currently very much in vogue in digital marketing. All this makes it a powerful option for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) worldwide. E-Promotion has allowed the personification in an increasingly global world, facilitating the promotion of products and services not only in one region but internationally; and with it, have a greater presence and positioning in several markets. The objective of this paper is to establish the influence and use of E-Promotion in small and medium enterprises, as well as to identify its benefits and application, allowing the development of strategies that improve its performance. In the methodology, the study focused on SMEs in the commerce and services sector. The study location was in the city of Guayaquil. Two types of research were applied, such as the bibliographical and descriptive ones, as well as the use of tools such as a questionnaire that allowed the collection of primary information from small and medium-sized companies. It was obtained and evidenced that organizations use e-mail and social networks, but not in an appropriate way. It was concluded that the various tools of the E-Promotion are used as a means of communication to provide information about products and services, which provide a powerful tool as long as you have a structured digital marketing plan.Item EL COMPORTAMIENTO DEL COMERCIO ELECTRÓNICO EN LAS EMPRESAS DEL SECTOR DE RETAIL EN EL ECUADOR(2018-05-13) Carrera Morocho, Javier Andrés; Poveda Benites, SylviaThe implementation of e-commerce in ecuadorian retail´s companies has increase in recent years, but there are a lot of companies that doesn´t offer the servicie to consumers yet. Considering that the countrie has important factors that allow offer this option of buy to consumers. The purpose of the analysis is to describe the variables that allow retail companies to be leaders in e-commerce within the country. Showing national and international statistics that make reference to the factors that hold back e-commerce and how these could be overcome. This article may be used as a reference for those who wish to acquire more knowledge on the subject and those who are involved in some way in e-commerce. In addition to being able to know the opportunities and the potential that the country has in the development of e-commerce.Item LAS NARRATIVAS TRANSMEDIA COMO MEDIO DE EXPANSIÓN DEL FAN FICTION EN LÍNEA Y SUS DERIVADOS(2018-05-13) Villagrán León, Noemí de los Ángeles; Calero Cedeño, KatherineThis research connects transmedia storytelling as an entity that indirectly contributes and intervenes in the expansion of published material by the fan community through fan fiction websites. It starts from the premise that the fan is emotionally attached with the subject of avocation, and reflected by the high levels of consumption. To prove it, a qualitative method is applied to analyse it by case studies. Fanfiction.net is taken as reference, for being the most representative fan fiction platform. From the main categories on the website (anime / manga, books, cartoons, games, miscellaneous, movies, plays / musicals, TV), each subcategory is selected to observe the activity in a specific period, and thus assess the relationship in regards with the official content being spread. It is obtained as a finding in the observation that the fan community tends to publish more material online every time the official part broadcasts new content.Item CREACIÓN DE MANUAL DE MARCA PARA LA EMPRESA SYSROB S.A(2017-05-13) Solórzano Gracia, Angie; Moncayo Romero, MarioItem IMPACTO DE LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN EN LOS MERCADOS FINANCIEROS DE PRODUCTOS AGRÍCOLAS(2018-01) Martinetti, Gonzalo; Morales, CarlotaThe research establishes the relationship between the media and finance. That is, the factors of information that directly and indirectly affect the price of agricultural products, in this case cocoa. A qualitative analysis was designed through the study of cases that determined the impact of the information disseminated on the prices of the cocoa sector. The conclusions of the analysis indicate that in financial markets communication is vital. Not all investors are professionally trained in financial matters because they allow themselves to be carried away by the information available on the web, press, radio or television. A simple rumor is capable of generating large disturbances in the stock market. The news that is disclosed on a daily basis directly influences the price of various tradable securities in the markets and their peers in the stock market. The purpose of the press is to publish messages as truthful as possible, however, the flaws in the verification mechanisms, both from the media and from the investors caused misuse of information at the business level, to obtain illegal advantages.Item ¿MAL DISEÑO? UNA MIRADA AL DISEÑO GRÁFICO EN GUAYAQUIL(2017-09) Alvarado Moreno, Andrea Alejandra; Fabara, MarciaSegún establece el diseñador español Enric Satué (1995:10) “antes de la aparición de los procesos de impresión seriada más rudimentarios, cada etapa histórico-cultural logró articular su propia sistemática para informar, persuadir o convencer adecuadamente sus propósitos, sirviéndose para ellos de distintos medios, de acuerdo al dominio tecnológico correspondiente y a las dimensiones y complejidades de sus respectivas masas receptoras. […] la participación de individuos dotados de habilidad gráfica en la elaboración de mensajes objetivos se hace manifiesta a lo largo y a lo ancho de las sucesivas etapas de la historia de la comunicación humana”.Item IMPACTO DE LAS ACCIONES PUBLICITARIAS EN PUNTOS DE VENTA SOBRE LA DECISIÓN DE COMPRA EN LA CIUDAD DE GUAYAQUIL(2017-05-13) Orellana Sola, Xavier; Villacis Olvera, AndrésAdvertising in Ecuador has seen many changes through the years. It’s an industry strongly related to creativity and innovation, so it’s understandable that it never stops evolving. Anyway, probably no change has been as drastic as the one that happened June 25th of 2013, with the entry into force of the Communication Law that put the advertising industry under a microscope almost overnight. This law establishes that ads released inside the country have to be, mainly or entirely, Ecuadorian. For many companies, this represents a very high cost to maintain their presence in traditional media. This has led them to bet for an alternative that is more affordable, with satisfactory and instant results, promotional activities in points of purchase. This research has as main purpose to determine the influence of promotional activities in points of purchase on consumers in Guayaquil. It will also analyze these activities’ mechanics and how they are perceived by their audience. To this end an exploratory and conclusive study is conducted. The main results of the research show that the 58% of buyers is influenced by promotional activities. 52% considers free samples to be the most effective, while 36% is attracted by POP Material, and 12% by promoters. In addition, 67% thinks that promotional activities in points of purchase are non-invasive.Item EL ESTADO DEL ARTE EN LAS RELACIONES PÚBLICAS(2016-09-13) Baquerizo Rodriguez, María Gracia; Campoverde R., JanethThis work, which represents the beginning of the state of the art has been devoted to reviewing various aspects of the sciences of Public Relations, the functions performed within a given area, the different definitions that have generated several specialists, importance, techniques, strategies and media usually used for the implementation of these strategies. Intending to dig a little deeper in the evolution of the media used in public relations, due to technological advances we have today present; the study by Acebes and Montanera, representatives of the Interactive Advertising Bereau (IAB), which determine the impact of social media on public relations was examined. A qualitative analysis was used to fulfill the central purpose of the research is to determine how they have evolved different perceptions of public relations, the objective and the different models that have been used for each of the specialists, starting from Ivy Ledbetter Lee cataloged as the father of public relations and ending with the conceptualizations of Antonio Di Genova.Item IMPACTO DE LAS RELACIONES PÚBLICAS EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA IMAGEN CORPORATIVA DE UNA INSTITUCIÓN PÚBLICA - CASO: ATM(2016-09-13) Piñeiros Noboa, Erika Camila; Campoverde R., JanethThis research paper aims to determine the impact of public relations on the corporate image of an organization. It selected the particular case of the Autoridad de Tránsito Municipal (ATM), a public institution in charge of the control and management of traffic and road safety in Guayaquil. It applies literature and field researches, through interviews to public relations and communication directors of public and private companies of Guayaquil, in order to recognize diverse perspectives based on their experience and professional trajectory in this area of communication, as well as directors of the ATM, who contributed with their views on the relevance of counting with the public relations functions in this institution. This information contributed to confirm the results, that this discipline is indeed an important part in any type of organization for the creation, maintenance and projection of the corporate image.Item “LAS RELACIONES PÚBLICAS Y EL MERCADEO DEPORTIVO COMO FACTORES CRÍTICOS DE ÉXITO DEL CLUB SPORT EMELEC EN EL PERIODO 2012-2016”(2016-01-13) Avellán Burgos, Fiorella Andrea; Barragán Castañeda, NatalieThe objective of this work is to detetminate the principal characteristics of Sport Markeitng, knowing the function of Public Relationship in sport entities, specifcally in “Club Sport Emelec”, and the base of sustained success in communicaction área in recent years. For this research a study case was applied, usinf bibliographical sources and interviews with the comumunication team in these periods. This whole process help to the club obtaining goood results, being one of the principal reasons of sport glory in the Club. The article will support that the communication area related with Sport Marketing and Public Relationship, is essential in sport enterprisesItem ANÁLISIS DEL MARKETING SENSORIAL COMO ESTRATEGIA PUBLICITARIA NO CONVENCIONAL. CASO HILOS DE ORO(2016-05-13) Carrión, Paulina; Godoy Zuñiga, María ElenaThe following research aims to analyze the sensory marketing as an element or preponderant aspect in the unconventional advertising “Hilos de Oro” brand, in order to determine what influence it has on potential consumers. Therefore, it is preceded to the realization of the theoretical framework, which will define each terms; this literary synthesis is the base of the research methodology and analysis of results. Thus, it is achieved to have a detailed delimitation on the neuromarketing and the importance of the senses in marketing, purchasing decisions and the significant role of the individual's perceptions. The study shows that sensory marketing applied by the brand Hilos de Oro is one of the most effective ways to attract the target audience, achieving impact and positioning in the consumer's mind, leading to the conclusion that unconventional strategies are effective methods of persuasion and influential tools in the buying behavior. The case study is through the Hilos de Oro brand, and took a sample of its customers to make surveys that refer to the brand and its unconventional advertising. Finally, the results of the survey help us to see if the advertising strategies employed are being captured by consumers.Item IMPACTO DE LAS RELACIONES PÚBLICAS EN LA PROMOCIÓN DE EVENTOS CULTURALES. CASO: TEATRO SÁNCHEZ AGUILAR(2017-01-13) Navarrete Llaguno, Melania Beatriz; Morales Vásconez, CarlotaThe theater and the spaces where the works are presented are inseparable duality. From this perspective, the research focused on the problems that face each other: the little interest that theatrical presentations arouse in the audiences of Guayaquil and the economic losses faced by cultural institutions. The purpose of the study was to link Public Relations with the promotion of cultural events, with the purpose of knowing the incidence of the same in the change of attitude of the public and the increase of the box office of the theater. An in situ and qualitative study was designed, bibliographic sources were processed. The results reveal that the reporting subjects attend the theater in greater percentage once a year, every six months, three months and the rest never. This confirmed the problematic and demonstrated the little cultural level on the part of the guayaquileños. Public relations academically is designed to impact on event promotion in general, but there is little information on PR techniques to promote a theater-like cultural event. For these reasons it is recommended to adopt the principles that apply to cinematographic productions for film and televisionItem SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: CASO DE ESTUDIO EN EMPRESA COMERCIALIZADORA DE CACAO TRANSMAR ECUADOR S.A(2017-01-13) Moreno García, María Gabriela; Rosero, ChristianThe research sought to demonstrate the supply chain operating mechanism of the cocoa trading company Transmar Ecuador S.A., through the case studies methodology, for this reason, in-depth interviews were done to the managers of the areas that provide value to the company, in order to compare the results to the theoretical framework and determine the function of the company supply chain, the areas that provide value to the company, the control mechanism of the areas that provide value and the indicators the company use. The study results show the structure of a cocoa trading company and the main aspects in the supply chain, in addition, the results show the function of the company supply chain within the information stipulated in the framework.Item IMPACTO DEL CONTENIDO DE REVISTA VIVE EN LA SOLUCIÓN DE CONFLICTOS FAMILIARES DE SUS LECTORES Y SUSCRIPTORES(2016-09-13) Tinoco Sánchez, María José; Calero, KatherineWith the addition of service journalism in Ecuador, several magazines address the concerns relatives of his followers impacting Ecuadorian households. For this reason, this study aims to analyze aspects of Vive magazine as a means of communication impact on the resolution of family disputes. Through a literature review and the implementation of a survey to subscribers and readers of this magazine, it was determined that there is a relationship between the topics covered in this communication media and the behavioral changes that the content of the magazine generated in the families of its followers. This allows us to conclude that service journalism is a strategy that assists the improvement of behavioral households that constitute the magazine’s target audience.Item EL MARKETING RELACIONAL COMO ESTRATEGIA DE FIDELIZACIÓN DE CLIENTES ANTE LA RESTRICCIÓN DE IMPORTACIONES EN ECUADOR. CASO SERIPACAR S.A.(2017-05-13) Parrales Cárdenas, María de Lourdes; Godoy Zuñiga, María ElenaIn order to boost and protect the domestic productive sector, on March 6, 2015, safeguards measures were implemented in Ecuador, which had an impact on the behavior of companies and customers. In a more competitive economic context, companies are forced to employ strategies that ensure profitable growth. The only factor that will help this to happen will be the long-term business relationships with clients promoted by relational marketing. This study analyzes, under a qualitative methodology, the relational marketing strategies that the company Seripacar used, given the scenario of restriction of the products that it commercializes. The results of the research show that, although there has been an influence between the client and the company in Ecuador's political environment, when relationship marketing is put into practice, the client feels satisfied and this satisfaction will lead to repetition of purchase and therefore to the loyalty of the consumer.Item REACCIÓN DE CONSUMIDORES DE COCA COLA EN ECUADOR ANTE ESTRATEGIA REBOTE DE PRECIOS(2017-01-13) Olivares Aguilera, Yanina; Villacis, Jorge