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Item EVALUACIÓN DEL ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE NIÑOS DE 2 AÑOS EN UN CENTRO DE ATENCIÓN PRIM BALSAPAMBA (BOLÍVAR), 2017(2019-04-13) Tenezaca Rodríguez, Katherine Vanessa.; Torres Terán, Ernesto.The present research study analyzed the subject of nutritional status: The evaluation and interpretation of its indicators; and malnutrition in the pediatric population: its classification, effects and statistics worldwide, in Latin America and Ecuador. The general objective of this work was "To evaluate the nutritional status of children under two years of age in a primary care center of the Balsapamba parish, province of Bolívar, during the year 2017"; and as specific objectives to determine the incidence and identify the relationships between its variables. The study was a descriptive longitudinal retrospective quantitative approach that was carried out through the review of clinical records and digital information of the assessment of the nutritional status of 105 children including anthropometric indicators and nutritional assessments. Two variables were taken, the first and last annual control; To this end, the following instruments were used: Patterns of Child Growth of the World Health Organization (WHO), Microsoft Excel software for the preparation of tables and tabulation of data; and later, the SPSS25 program was used to analyze the information. As a result of the nutritional status of the children, 69% were satisfied with an adequate nutritional status, 31% of the studied population presented a type of malnutrition among chronic malnutrition, overweight and obesity.Item PREVALENCIA DE LA INFECCIÓN ACTIVA DE HELICOBACTER PYLORI EN ESTUDIANTES ESCOLARES Y SU RELACIÓN CON EL ESTADO NUTRICIONAL, AMBATO 2017-2018.(2018-04-13) Orellana Naranjo, Santiago Alfonso.The objetive of this research is to identify the nutritional status of children of La Granja CEBLAG School Located in the city of Ambato, Ecuador during the school Period 2017-2018 and to detect the presence of Helicobacter Pylori. The parameters used to determine the body mass index were: weight and height for age and also a test with some questions were presented to the students to determine their nutritional practices regarding the preparation of food, diet and Good cooking practices. The antigen test for stool detection for H pylori shows 24.7% positive and the anthropometric data are within the normal parameters. No direct link between H. pylori and nutritional status was found. Based on this information of the sample taken at this school the data shows that the presence of H Pylori is low compared with the presence of this infection in other studies which can be related with Good nutritional habits.Item "GUÍA ALIMENTARIA PARA NIÑOS DE 0 A 5 AÑOS CON SÍNDROME DE DOWN DEL CENTRO DE NEURODESARROLLO HUIRACOCHA TUTIVEN , CUENCA 2019.(2019-04-13) Malo Ottati, Erika Cristina.; Reyes Galarza, Myriam BeatrizDescriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional, quantitative study that proposed a food guide for children aged 0 to 5 with Down Syndrome (SD), THROUGH THE STUDY OF A FOCAL GROUP OF 8 children represented by both sexes and evaluated in a semi-structured interview , carried out to their parents by applying a nutritional medical history and a semi-quantitative food consumption frequency survey previously validated by experts and with multiple choice questions. The children participating in the research belonged to a specialized care center in Neurodevelopment and SD in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The investigation characterized the sample through psychosocial factors, maternal antecedents and eating habits from birth to the present, additionally evaluated the nutritional status through specific growth curves for SD obtaining in (BMI / E) 25% overweight, in ( P / E) 37.5% underweight and in (T / E) 62.5% are at risk or short stature. Finally, the pattern of food consumption, maternal lehe and introduction of food in complementary feeding was identified, highlighting each interesting fact that only 38% of these children have had a nutritional education with a Nutritionist-Dietitian; thus demonstrating the need for their own food guides and trained staff to educate and establish healthy habits and lifestyles in children as well as in their parents and caregiversItem ACTITUD DE CUIDADORES Y ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE PREESCOLARES DE FUNDACIÓN DE ASISTENCIA SOCIAL ENLACE DE GUAYAQUIL, 2019(2019-05-13) Herrera Vélez, Priscila.; Alejandro Morales, SilviaPreschoolers are dietary passive beings, so it is important to observe the attitudes and dietary practices of the people responsible for their nutritional care. The present descriptive, cross-sectional, non-experimental study assessed the nutritional status of a sample for the convenience of 60 preschool patients from the outpatient clinic of the Social Assistance Foundation Enlace FUNDASEN of Guayaquil. The attitude questionnaire and the Krece-Plus test were applied to 60 caregivers to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes at the time of feeding children, the nutritional status of preschoolers was evaluated through the indicators weight/age, height/age, weight/height and BMI/age. The results indicate that 85% of caregivers have bad and regular attitude, 55% of preschoolers are normal weight according to P/E index and 30% with excess weight, in relation to T/E, 80% have normal size and in terms of BMI/age, 70% are normal weight, 20% are overweight, 15% have high nutritional level and 55% average nutritional level, 65% of caregivers attended higher education and 85% have the mother as their own caregiver. No correlation was found with the proposed variablesItem ASOCIACIÓN ESTADO NUTRICIONAL Y ANEMIA DE NIÑOS MENORES DE 5 AÑOS EN LOS CENTROS "CRECIENDO CON NUESTROS HIJOS" DE LA PARROQUIA SININCAY DURANTE EL AÑO 2018(2019-03-13) Guaraca Maldonado, Gissely Patricia.; Alejandro Morales, SilviaIn Ecuador according to ENSANUT - ECU 2012,chronic malnutrition presents an incidence of 25.3% while childhood obesity of 8.6%; on the other hand, anemia had a percentage of up to 25.7% in children from 24 to 35 months. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of malnutrition, the incidence of anemia and determine a relationship between both parameters. the study was conducted in the parish. Subjects and methods: a quantitative, cross-sectional, retrospective study involving 186 children under 5 years of age. It was obtained through clinical histories: weight, size and value of hemoglobin. There were also included food consumption frequency surveys orientad to dietary iron. Results: 6.4% of the children studied were underweight and 0.5% under severe weight. 20.2% had low size while 1.6 % had a severe low size. With respect to alterations in the BMI: 20:2% were overweight, 5.9% obesity and 2.1% wasting. On the other hand, 25% hand anemia and 2.1% moderate anemia, no severe anemia was reported. There was no relationship and statistical results in the relationship between anemia and nutritional status. But there is concordance according to age and the presence of anemia (RP=0.331,95% CI.153.0.716, p=0.005).Item ASOCIACIÓN DEL ESTADO NUTRICIONAL Y EL NIVEL DE EDUCACIÓN ALIMENTARIA MATERNA DE NIÑOS/AS DE LA FUNDACIÓN CARIÑO DE GUAYAQUIL 2018.(2019-03-13) Aguirre Prado, Erika Priscilla.; Alejandro, SilviaThe nutritional status of a child depends on the relationship between the need and the supply of nutrients, which is provided by the mother. The level of maternal education and the knowledge it has about healthy eating will directly influence the nutritional status of your child. The present study evaluated the relation of association between the nutritional status of 48 boys and girls from 1 to 3 years who come to Foundation Cariño of Guayaquil, with maternal food education. The BMI was calculated for the age, with the weight / height data present in the Clinical Histories, a sociodemographic survey was carried out to the mothers and their knowledge, attitudes and practices were evaluated through a questionnaire of questions. The results indicated that 42% had a low BMI for their age, 29% had a normal BMI and 29% under conditions of risk of malnutrition. The level of maternal education indicated that 54% reached the primary level, 42% the secondary level and 4% with higher education; maternal age, with 56% over 25 years old and 44% under 25 years old. 98% also expressed that they had not received food education before, of which 96% had malnutrition in their child, while 2% did receive food education. The nutritional status of their child was normal but presented sociodemographic risk conditions. In conclusion, it was determined that the nutritional status of children is associated with the level of food education with a probability lower than 0.05Item PREVALENCIA DE DESNUTRICIÓN ASOCIADA A ALIMENTACIÓN COMPLEMENTARIA EN NIÑOS DE 6 A 23 MESES ATENDIDOS EN CONSULTA EXTERNA PEDIÁTRICA. HOSPITAL BÁSICO PELILEO 2016(2018-02-13) Tapia López, Gladys; Gallegos Espinoza, SilviaIn Ecuador, growth retardation in children from 6 to 23 months is multifactorial, complementary feeding is a very important factor. In the Pelileo Canton place of research, child malnutrition in this age group was 47.25%. In order to know if the high infant malnutrition in this canton is the result of inadequate complementary feeding, a quantitative, cross-sectional analytical observational study was conducted in which 50 children attended at the Outpatient Consultation of Pediatrics of the Basic Hospital of Pelileo the assessment of nutritional status was carried out using anthropometric indicators. WHO indicators were used to evaluate the feeding practices of the infant and young child. The objective of the study was to determine the existence of the association between inadequate complementary feeding and malnutrition in children from 6 to 23 months. When evaluating the nutritional status, it was observed that 72% of the children adjusted their low weight to a low length, so that they presented 78% of normality, 88% of the children presented a low size. The inadequate complementary feeding was evidenced in 44% of the children. No association could be found between the type of complementary feeding and the affectation of the nutritional status (P> 0.05). According to these data it is necessary to carry out studies to identify other possible causes of malnutrition in the child population of the Pelileo Canton.Item PROPUESTA DE UN PROGRAMA DE EVALUACIÓN, DIAGNÓSTICO E INTERVENCIÓN NUTRICIONAL AL PACIENTE PEDIATRICO ONCOLÓGICO(2019-01-13) Polo Bayas, Irene; Mercader Camejo, OnayIn particular, cancer affects a large number of inhabitants and within this group the infant population, which is threatened by oncological pathologies that are difficult to diagnose, such as those inherited, or those linked to factors of a genetic nature. A study was carried out to develop a food and nutritional intervention guide for pediatric patients treated at the Julio Villacreses Oncology Hospital in Portoviejo, Manabí. The total number of children in the study was 63 in the period investigated. The most frequent age range was between 5 to 9 years with 27 children in the study (42.9%), the average number of days of hospitalization for children, more frequent was more than 11 days in 59 cases (93.7 %). The most frequent pathology presented by children in this study was leukemia with 49 cases (77.8%). There is an increase of 4 cases apparently losing weight during the study and having less than 3 standard deviations. The overall risk of malnutrition presented, where it can be verified that only 4 children were at high risk of malnutrition, this coincides with the standard deviation scheme, which mentions a type of acute malnutrition.Item FACTORES DE RIESGO DE SÍNDROME METABÓLICO Y ESTADO NUTRICIONAL EN ESCOLARES DE AZOGUES, AÑO LECTIVO 2017-2018.(2018-08-13) Devia Solis, Nury Lissie; Alvarado Aguilera, IreneThe investigation was to determine risk factors present for metabolic syndrome and its relationship with the nutritional status in schoolchildren in 6 to 10 years of the Catholic Educational Unit particular of the city of Azogues in the period September 2017 - February 2018. A survey was applied to parents on Family and personal history of children; they took anthropometric measurements and blood pressure, biochemical tests were also conducted that were analyzed by means of spectrophotometric method. Results: The 22.7% and 18.2% of children are at risk of overweight and overweight respectively according to BMI/age, according to IC/T overweight and obesity is present in 59.1%; 40.9% of the children have values that are compatible with hypertension, 4.5% of children have a CC≥P90. The 39.75% of children have at least one family member with a ENT, being the most frequent diabetes mellitus. The SM is presented in a 18.18%; 100% of children with overweight and obesity and 61.5% of children normoweighted have hypertriglyceridemia, The HDLc is low in 22.2% of overweight children and in 38.5% of children with normal weight; fasting glucose was not related to the nutritional status.Item EVALUACIÓN DEL ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS CON PARÁLISIS CEREBRAL DE LA FUNDACIÓN CON CRISTO, QUITO 2016(2018-09-13) Minango Flores, Alexandra Carola; Alejandro, SilviaIn this study, the nutritional diagnosis of the children with PCI of the Foundation with Christ was made, using anthropometric indicators, hemoglobin profile, presence of anemia and quality of the diet through the application of a food consumption survey. The study design was crosssectional of a non-experimental descriptive type; selecting a sample of 30 children, 17 girls and 13 boys, the instruments used were the clinical history, anthropometric data, hemoglobinometer and food quality survey. The results indicated that 47% are normal weight, 30% low weight, 13% overweight and 10% with obesity. In BMI / age, it was observed that children of 7 years had a higher prevalence of low weight with 50% and those of 6 years 33%. 90.6% had hemoglobin levels within the range of normality for age, 9.4% had mild anemia, and mild anemia was predominant in females with 66.7%. The consumption of dairy products, meat, legumes, fats, oils, fruits and vegetables, did not comply with the daily nutritional recommendations of WHO. With these results, a food guide was prepared for parents / caregivers of children about the type of food they should offer according to their condition, in order to improve their nutritional status.Item GUÍA DE ALIMENTACIÓN Y CUIDADOS NUTRICIONALES PARA EMBARAZADAS ADOLESCENTES QUE ASISTEN AL HOSPITAL GINECO OBSTÉTRICO ISIDRO AYORA, QUITO.(2019-03-13) Lucero Vallejo, Carmen Nathaly; Mercader Camejo, OnayItem ESTADO NUTRICIONAL Y DESARROLLO PSICOMOTOR EN PRESCOLARES QUE ASISTEN A CENTROS INFANTILES DEL BUEN VIVIR, SECTOR DE GUALO, QUITO, 2017(2018-09-13) Linzán Muñoz, María Lourdes; Alvarado, IreneItem ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE PREESCOLARES DEL CENTRO DE ESTIMULACIÓN TEMPRANA “BABY GYM” DEL CANTÓN QUEVEDO, AÑO 2017(2018-06-13) Intriago Burgos, Cristina Elizabeth; Alejandro Morales, Silvia YolandaIn the present research work, the nutritional status and food quality of preschoolers enrolled in the "Baby GYM" Early Stimulation Center were evaluated during the 2017-2018 school year. For this purpose, 31 children from 1 to 5 years of age were enrolled in this research, using an observational, cross-sectional, descriptive, non-experimental, qualitative and quantitative study. The sample highlights that the largest group is made up of children 2 years old in 45% and the smallest group is 5 years old in 4%, referring to nutritional status highlights that there are 26% of cases of malnutrition, 7% keep low weight and 19% overweight, in the case of height for age, 20% keep low height, cases of malnutrition are incidents especially in the female sex, this being the predominant in cases of low weight children 2 years and 4 years are the ones with the highest percentages. With respect to food, although most of them eat their food at home, there is a margin that eats their food outside the home. With respect to the menus offered, it was observed that none of them meet the appropriate standards for the age group, presenting an imbalance in their contribution of proteins and carbohydrates.Item ESTADO NUTRICIONAL EN MENORES DE 5 AÑOS DE EDAD DEL CENTRO DE SALUD NARANJAL- ENERO 2017(2019-02-13) Idrovo Alvarado, Tatiana Elizabeth; Alejandro Morales, SilviaThe nutritional status is the main vital sign to assess the growth and development of the child, a cross-sectional, descriptive, non-experimental study was carried out that the nutritional status of 71 children under 5 years of age, patients of the Hospital de Naranjal, through of the anthropometric indicators Weight / Height, Size / age and BMI / age, values extracted from the clinical history and sociodemographic and dietary factors of the survey applied to those responsible for the sample. The results showed that 54% are normal weight, 32% are low weight and 14% are overweight, and two years of age, 33% are underweight, 20% are overweight and 60% are obese, 20% of mothers are professionals, 65 % cares for 2-3 children, in the degree of low weight, 67% has mothers with secondary education, in overweight, 60% mothers with secondary education and in obesity, 60% mothers with higher education, 73% consume 5 meals a day , ingested 57% vegetables and tubers and 38% fruits, 54% milk, more than 4 times, and 27% drinks distributed in soft drinks, coladas and processed juices. The test indicates that there is no correlation between age / BMI / age. With this data, a healthy child feeding guide was elaborated.Item EFECTOS DE LA ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA SOBRE EL INDICE DE MASA CORPORAL EN ADOLESCENTES DE 14 A 16 AÑOS. COLEGIO LICEO NAVAL.QUITO 2014(2019-02-13) Gordillo, Diana; Mercader Camejo, OnayIn Ecuador, between 1986 and 2012, overweight/obesity cases increased by 104%, affecting 35% of the population. The province of Pichincha presented 26% of affected adolescents. Objectives: To determine if the level of physical activity (PA) affects the Body Mass Index (BMI) in adolescents (14-16 years) attending “Liceo Naval” in Quito, Ecuador. Methodology: Simple randomization was employed to select the cases used to carry out cross-sectional study with 92 consecutive cases presenting overweight/obesity and 92 cases presenting a normal BMI. BMI was interpreted according to the Anthropometric and Nutritional Indicators Calculator for children and adolescents (5-19 years) of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador (MSP, in its Spanish acronym). To estimate the PA level, the Physician-based Assessment and Counseling for Exercise (PACE) and the Comparative PA Scale were used. The statistical analysis was carried out with the Mann-Whitney U test, Student's t test and the MLE-Odds Ratio, considering a significance level of 0.05. Results: The average number of days of PA among children with high BMI was lower than that of children with normal BMI (2.72 ± 1.252 vs. 5.01 ± 1.153) (tvalue = 12.924, P 0.000). Responses such as “much less” or “a little less” PA than that of a friend were more frequent in children with high BMI (60% and 91% respectively), (Z-value = -7,510, P 0.000). The risk of overweight/obesity increases with <5 days of PA, (OR 52,559, 95% CI 22,205 - 134,952)Item FACTORES DE RIESGOS QUE INCIDEN EN EL ESTADO NUTRICIONAL EN PACIENTES ONCOLÓGICOS DE 1 A 17 AÑOS DE EDAD, DEL HOSPITAL DE SOLCA MANABÍ, 2016(2018-08) Solórzano Zambrano, María Kassandra; Alvarado, IreneThe risk factors that affect the nutritional status of the 62 pediatric oncological patients who comprise the ages of 1 to 17 years, who receive treatment at the "Luis Villacreses Colmont" hospital in the city of Portoviejo in the SOLCA Manabí facilities in the 2016, there are many of them that contribute to increasing the chances of a person suffering from an illness, such as cancer. The type of study that was carried out was retrospective, descriptive, not experimental. The information was obtained in the pediatric hospitalization area, making each patient the subjective global assessment. The surveys were based on open and closed questions, in which it was included; name of the patient, age, sex, weight, height, type of treatment they received. For the analysis and statistical results of the study, they were obtained through the SPSS program version 21 in Spanish. The qualitative variables were described with simple frequencies and percentages. The main results indicate that 46.8% of the patients who were in the phase of induction of oncological treatment were cataloged with a normal nutritional status, 21% underweight and 22.6% severely wasted malnutrition, of which their days of hospitalization exceeded 30 days, this being one of the factors that affect the nutritional status of patients. All these data helped us to develop an educational proposal aimed at patients and caregiversItem ASOCIACIÓN ENTRE NIVEL DE INSTRUCCIÓN ACADÉMICA DE LOS PADRES Y ESTADOS NUTRICIONAL DE ESCOLARES DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA GONZALO RUALES. PICHINCHA(2018-05) Ruales Rosero, Andrea Fernanda; Feraud, SchenyEducation is determinant in the nutritional status and this in turn influences the morbi - mortality that modifies the quality of life of the individual and his community. With the aim of assessing the association between the level of academic instruction of parents, with the nutritional status of their school children, a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in an Educational Unit in the province of Pichincha, in which of the total of 151 students, 93 met the inclusion criteria. The data was analyzed in SPSS using frequency tables and association measures. IMC of the students was interpreted and a survey was applied to the parents; When analyzing the results it is concluded that the predominant nutritional status among students was normal 75.3%, 21.5% are overweight and 3.2% are deficient. The level of instruction of mothers (51.6%) and parents (55.9%) predominant is secondary. The association between the level of academic instruction of parents (p = 0.83) and mothers (p = 0.23) with the nutritional status of the children was not statistically significant, which suggests that a higher level of academic instruction in the Parents are not associated with a better nutritional status in school-age students of the Gonzalo Ruales School in 2017. Studies are recommended in more extensive and diverse populations. Thus, academic instruction is not a synonym or guarantee of nutritional education. A proposal for a nutritional education workshop is presented to the Institution.Item FACTORES ASOCIADOS A MALNUTRICIÓN EN ESTUDIANTES DE LA ESCUELA ELOY ALFARO DE LA PARROQUIA RIVERA, CAÑAR, 2017(2018-04) Perez Ramirez, Jacinto Eugenio; Ruiz Tellechea, YolmaFeeding at school age is key to physical development, but this is conditioned by a number of factors that directly influence it, resulting in malnutrition that can be: excess or deficit. The objective of this research was to assess factors associated with malnutrition in children from 6 to 10 years of age of the Eloy Alfaro school in the Rivera province of Cañar, during the 2016-2017 school year. The anthropometric measurements were made weight and height to calculate the BMI according to the WHO pattern, in addition to validated surveys to stratify the socioeconomic level, physical activity and frequency of food consumption to each legal representative of the children. who participated in this study. A statistically significant association was found between the nutritional status and the study variables such as: age (p = 0.047), sex (p = 0.003), socioeconomic level (p = 0.003), mother's level of education (p = 0.014) and physical activity (p = 0.0001); however, no association was found between the nutritional status and the frequency of food consumption. It was concluded that the main factors associated with nutritional status in the population investigated were socioeconomic status and sedentary lifestyle.Item RELACIÓN DE HÄBITOS ALIMENTARIOS E HIPERTENSIÓN ARTERIAL EN ADOLESCENTES, HOSPITAL BÁSICO EL EMPALME, ENERO - MAYO 2017(2018-01) Aguirre Tello, Alex Esteban; Solorzano Torres, Fanny ElisaDietary habits, especially among adolescents, are having a significant influence on the prevalence of no communicable diseases, such as hypertension. The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between dietary habits and arterial hypertension in adolescents aged 10 to 15 years who attend the Basic Hospital El Empalme during the period January - May 2017. Anthropometric measurements and pressure measurements were taken. In accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Manual of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, the Krece Plus rapid test was administered to the participants for the assessment of dietary habits. The results of the application of the Krece Plus rapid test to 117 pediatric patients, indicated that 43.6% (n = 51) of the adolescents presented a low nutritional level, 47.9% (n = 56), medium and 8.5% (n = 10) high when compared to a Mediterranean diet The association between the assessment of nutritional status and blood pressure were statistically significant (Pearson's Chi Square = 82,410, p = 0,000 and V cramer = 0,593), the association between the valuation of the Krece Plus questionnaire and blood pressure were statistically significant (Pearson Square Chi = 17,886 p = 0,001 and V cramer = 0,276). It was concluded that pediatric patients who had inadequateeating habits had higher blood pressure measurements for their age, there being a statistically significant relationship with a minimal association between the variables.Item VALORACIÓN DE LOS NIVELES DE HEMOGLOBINA EN NIÑOS ESCOLARES DE 6 A 8 AÑOS DE EDAD DE LA ESCUELA “NAHIM ISAÍAS” DE LA CIUDAD DE QUITO Y PROPUESTA DE MENÚS NUTRICIONALES(2015-08-13) Román Bolaños, José NapoleónEcuador is considered a country still developing, is presumed to be present in your child population, low levels of hemoglobin, namely presence of anemia for iron deficiency. This study investigates in a school located in Quito Carapungo sector, with children between 6-8 years old, for it anthropometric measures such as height and weight was taken to calculate BMI and hemoglobin was determined in each, also a socio-economic survey was carried out, which concluded after analyzing results, the sample designed for this study, 4.3% of cases with low BMI and 27.6% higher, leading to low weights or overweights thinking and in the case of hemoglobin, are very few cases that have low levels, corresponding to 6.6%, which suggests low weights or overweights and for hemoglobin, there are very few cases with low levels.