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Item Identificación morfológica y molecular de hongos aislados de lesiones, en manglares del género Rhizophora, del Parque Histórico Guayaquil.(2019-07) Sacheri Viteri, Katheryn Dayane; Andrade Molina, Derly; Molina Moreira, NataliaMangroves are the second most important marine ecosystem after coral reefs. The distribution of mangrove plants species is strongly influenced by temperature, humidity and large scale currents, because of that they are plants that are exposed to high stress conditions. The mangrove ecosystem is the habitat of a big diversity of microorganisms and microorganisms such as fungi. In the present investigation, filamentous fungi were isolated from branches and mangrove propagules belonging to the genus Rhizophora, from the Guayaquil Historical Park, they were isolated and identified. For the isolation was used the commercial culture media. For the morphological identification, were used taxonomic keys taking into account their macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, while for the molecular identification was use the ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer ) region. As results, were identified: Aspergillus níger and Aspegillus aculeatus, belonging to the genus Aspergillus, were also identified fungi belonging to the genders: Absidia, Chrysonilia, Chrysosporium and Trichoderma. Some of this genders can be used in the bioremediation of heavy metals, fermentations of food, improvement of mechanisms of resistance to abiotic stress, improve growth in plants and as fungal products, while others can cause diseases and infections in humans and plants.Item Valorización Energética de Cáscaras de Banano generadas del Proceso Productivo de Fábrica “Diana Food”(2022-03-30) Romero Velásquez, Nathalie Ninoska; Rodríguez Grimón, René OscarThe use of agro-industrial waste as an energy source can be an advantageous alternative in economic and environmental terms when managing this waste. In this work, the energy potential contained in the residual biomass of banana peels obtained from the production process of the "Diana Food" factory was analyzed. For the Cavendish banana peel residue, the variables of humidity, ash, lignin, calorific value, and energy potential were measured. The relationship between the lignin variable and energy potential was studied. An annual generation of 21524959.6 kg of waste was estimated, which could contain 172908 kWh per year. This research proposes the bases to be able to implement the use of biomass in banana agro-industries by checking the availability of waste and its energy potential. It is concluded that the physico-chemical characteristics of the peels are not suitable for use by combustion, there is a correlation between energy potential and lignin.Item Ecología de la familia Troglodytidae en la Eco-Región Tumbesina del suroccidente ecuatoriano(2021-12-17) Vásquez Martínez, María Eduarda; Rodríguez Grimón, René OscarTumbesian dry forests are a global conservation priority due to their high levels of endemism that are affected by strong anthropogenic pressures. The Tumbesian Eco-Region has a marked climatic seasonality that establishes a dry season and a rainy season. The information known about the bird communities in this ecosystem is limited, especially of the Troglodytidae family which is one of the most common and dominant in this region. The objective of this research was to analyze the ecology of this family in three sites of the Tumbesian Eco-Region of southwestern Ecuador. For the sampling of birds, the methodology of point counts was applied in pre-established points with fixed radial limits. During the year 2020, sampling was carried out by climatic season and by anthropogenic disturbance zones established according to the conditions of each site. Eight species of the Troglodytidae family were identified: Campylorhynchus fasciatus, Cantorchilus nigricapillus, Cantorchilus superciliaris, Henicorhina leucophrys, Microcerculus marginatus, Pheugopedius mystacalis, Pheugopedius sclateri, Troglodytes aedon. Cantorchilus superciliaris was the most abundant in Ancon, Pheugopedius sclateri in Cerro Blanco and Campylorhynchus fasciatus in Loma Alta. It was concluded that the seasonality of rainfall within these sites did not significantly influence the family, but the level of anthropogenic disturbance in which they develop, identifying certain habitat preferences of the species of this family.Item Valoración ambiental de geositios en el marco del geoturismo, en la provincia del Guayas.(2021-12-17) Palomeque Arévalo, Paula Inés; Rodríguez Grimón, René OscarThe urban area of Guayaquil has sites that require special attention for the maintenance of the natural resources of the sites of tourist interest. The objective of this work was to carry out an environmental assessment through several attributes considered in a cause-effect matrix, to determine the environmental status of four geosites in order to promote sustainable tourism development. The methodology applied was: i) selection of four strategic geosites, ii) application of the cause-effect matrix by experts and visitor surveys, and iii) proposal of suitable measures recommended for each site. The results obtained from the cause-effect matrix reflected the most relevant aspects to be considered such as energy consumption, noise and vibration perception, wastewater generation or presence, maintenance of the geosite's health conditions, and waste generation for the development of geoconservation guidelines, On the other hand, the visitors' perspective reflected that many of the aspects are seen with a medium intensity and a local extension, and regarding the comparison of both perspectives, both obtained similar values in the parameters of intensity and extension which reflect that the sites analyzed are potential for tourism development, however, several guidelines should be implemented to maximize the positive aspects and minimize the negative ones. It was concluded that, of the 22 aspects identified, 5 of them were the most representative and should be addressed through guidelines that promote geoconservation in the sites of interest.Item Estudio del Procedimiento de Obtención de Licencias Ambientales en Ecuador(2022-03-29) Ortiz Guales, Joe Alejandro; Rodríguez Grimón, René OscarEnvironmental licensing in Ecuador is one of the most demanding regulatory processes, and depends on the various projects, works, or activities the users are involved in. The Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, the Prefecture of Guayas, and the Municipality of Guayaquil are the three environmental authorities in charge of granting environmental permits in the province of Guayas. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to compare the management processes in terms of documentation and time taken by the three Environmental Authorities through the Critical Control Point tool to inform the user of the critical processes in which delays are generated. The study also analyzes the technical criteria in terms of documentation review and the payment of administrative fees. This work establishes a bibliographic review of the current regulations as a stage in the regulatory process of obtaining an Environmental License. The type of applied research is non-experimental and a transversal study was carried out. Through this study, it was concluded that the administrative licensing processes of each authority should simplify the procedures for each service, and be in accordance with environmental regulations.Item ESTUDIO DE LA CONCENTRACIÓN DEL CARBONO EN SUELOS DE MANGLAR EN ECUADOR CONTINENTAL(2022-02-13) Miranda Muñoz, Rodrigo Antonio.Mangroves are halophytic woody plants found along subtropical and tropical coasts, which thanks to their root structure and high sedimentation rates, make their forests the largest blue carbon reservoirs in the world. In Ecuador they cover an area of approximately 1570 km² and have developed an important role in society, however, they have suffered great anthropogenic disturbances over time. The objective of this study is to analyze the carbon concentration in mangrove soils of continental Ecuador. The data from dasometry and soil sampling at different depth intervals were recorded at nine estuarine sites along the coast to determine the percentage of total carbon in mangrove soils. El Salado was divided into two zones, and was the only site where total organic carbon was estimated. Cayapas Mataje and Isla Bellavista had the highest total carbon values. There is a slight linear relationship between the Dasometric Index and the percentage of total carbon, which decreases as depth increases. The "El Salado" sites presented total organic carbon storage of 30.01 to 21.50 MgC/ha, even though they are a remnant of urban mangroves, they represent an important reservoir for carbon sequestration, so their conservation should be a priorityItem PROPUESTA DE DISEÑO PARA EL MONITOREO DE CALIDAD DE AIRE EN LA CIUDAD DE GUAYAQUIL(2022-03-13) Mazzini Tomalá, Angy Ariana.; Rodríguez Grimón, René Oscar.The population increase added to the rapid industrial growth has generated the alteration of pollutants in the ambient air. Air pollution has generated health effects such as catastrophic diseases and death worldwide due to the dispersion of pollutants from fixed sources. In the city of Guayaquil, the information is limited and, at the same time, it does not have a real-time warning and monitoring system for pollutants and their behavior in air quality. The main objective of this study was to propose a network design for air quality monitoring in the city of Guayaquil and it is consistency with the location and equipment of monitoring stations to improve air quality and well-being in the urban area. The monitoring stations for air quality were determined by means of population density, meteorological parameters, selection criteria and satellite images such as Sentinel 5P and Copernicus. Therefore, three monitoring stations were established in the Northwest, South II and West. As a result, in each monitoring station from one to three contaminants were found, in addition, the Industrial Land Use was presented in different sites of the study area. It was concluded that the analysis carried out established the ideal site for each monitoring station, emphasizing the pertinent criteria together with the pollutants already determined by the current environmental regulations. However, due to the lack of updated information, the analysis must be complemented with bibliographic studies related to the subject.Item ANALISIS DE DISTRIBUCION DE LA ESPECIE TUBASTRAEA COCCINEA, SU ABUNDANCIA Y POSIBLES IMPACTOS EN LAS COSTAS DE ECUADOR Y GALAPAGOS.(2022-01-13) Illingworth Lam, Valentina Carola.; Rodríguez Grimón, René Oscar.Due to the harmful and invasive potential of the exotic species Tubastraea coccinea both in the environmental and economic, its distribution has been investigated, determining the abundance and the possible potential impacts of this individual in Ecuador. The study carried out was the analysis of data from documents and existing investigations of reports of this species, longitudinal non-experimental on the coasts of continental Ecuador and Galapagos. For which tools such as QGIS, Inaturalist, Microsoft Excel and GBIF were used. Through these instruments, the increase in the invasive species eventually became known in the years 2004 to 2021, resulting in most of the records in the Galapagos Islands. Thanks to these sightings, it was found that a lot of records of this coral is in a naturalized state, gradually increasing its presence. It was observed that greater long-term impacts can be generated, as a result of the increase in its abundance, since when the coral begins to compete with other species, it has managed to displace them, leaving different fish that lived in these species without a home and food. affected. So, it is essential to know more about this marine, exotic and invasive animal.Item DISTRIBUCIÓN Y ABUNDANCIA POBLACIONAL DE UNA HIERBA ENDÉMICA Y VULNERABLE (Eucrosia stricklandii var. stricklandii Merrow) DE BOSQUES SECOS TROPICALES EN BOSQUES PROTECTORES DE LA CIUDAD DE GUAYAQUIL(2022-01-13) Fonseca Arana, Raquel.; Herrera González, Ileana.The present study has the objective of estimating the distribution, population abundance and conservation status of Eucrosia stricklandii var. stricklandii, herb endemic to the dry forest. Four observations of the species were found in iNaturalist and recorded in the years 2020-2021, which set the background for this research. In the field, 39 individuals of E. stricklandii var. stricklandii were found in the Cerro Paraíso Protected Forest. In this study, the species was recategorized as Vulnerable because the study species is threatened, due to the degree of alteration in the tropical dry forests, it has a low population abundance because the individuals are distributed randomly and have a sporadic presence.Item ESTIMACIÓN DE IMPACTO DE VERTEBRADOS EXOTICOS EN ÁREAS PROTEGIDAS Y ZONAS DE AMORTIGUAMIENTO DE LA AMAZONIA ECUATORIANA.(2022-01-13) Defaz Proaño, Ariana Priscilla.; Rodríguez Grimón, René Oscar.Protected areas (PA) are key components for biodiversity conservation, therefore, exotic species represent a major problem. In Ecuador, information focuses on Galapagos; while, in continental territory there are few studies on their invasiveness and impact. This study aimed to estimate the impact of invasion of exotic vertebrates in 10 protected areas of the Ecuadorian Amazon and buffer zones (BZ). For the inventory, information was collected from biodiversity databases, research articles, university projects, public institutions and management plans of the selected PAs. To determine the impact, the EICAT protocol was used, where a literature review was executed to obtain information on the reported impacts. A total of 15 terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates were inventoried, 14 of which were found in the PAs and 9 in the BZs, with repeated species in both areas; Anolis sagrei was recorded only in the PAs and Oncorhynchus mykiss only in the BZs. The PA with the highest richness was Cuyabeno, and Yasuní was the richest in the BZs. The species with the highest number of records was Bubulcus ibis in both areas. Most of them were classified as moderate risk, with competition and predation being the most predominant mechanisms. It was concluded that EICAT can be applied effectively to categorize and quantify the impacts of exotic species, which could be replicated to PAs throughout the country to prioritize their management. However, due to the lack of information, it must be complemented with related studies.Item CONCENTRACIÓN DEL MATERIAL PARTICULADO SEDIMENTABLE EN LA ZONA URBANA DE "LA TRONCAL", Y SU RELACION CON LAS ACTIVIDADES AGRICOLAS DE CAÑA DE AZUCAR.(2022-04-13) Crespo Cabrera, Daniel Sebastián.The burning of sugarcane crops is a common practice that has been carried out continuously for many years until today, so there is a perception that the sedimentable particulate material that is generated through them, their concentration harm the quality of the air can. This project seeks to evaluate the concentration of sedimentable particulate material in the urban area and from this identify what relationship it has with agricultural activities, taking into account the variables of harvests, total and monthly burned hectares. For the study, 4 survey sites are required, located within the urban area. In addition, the methodology referred to in the "Standard method ASTM D-1739 for collection and measurement of dust fall" was used, the monitoring was carried out during the months of August to November 2021. The present work shows reference baseline values to concentrations in the air, with respect to sedimentable particulate material, in which an average concentration of 1.30 mg/cm2 was presented, however, in none of the test sites was it found that the permissible concentration limits of 1 mg/cm2 for 30 days, set forth in the Ecuadorian quality standard, were exceeded, but a direct relationship was obtained that reflected that the greater the burning of the crops, the greater the concentration from the particulate material from surrounding areas.Item DIAGNOSTICO SITUACIONAL DE LOS NEUMÁTICOS FUERA DE USO EN LA CIUDAD DE MILAGRO.(2021-12-13) Coronel Beltrán., David Vitelio.; Rodríguez Grimón, René OscarThe objective of this bibliographic and documentary study is to analyze the actions currently being taken to manage Used Tires in the city of Milagro. This special waste characterizes modern societies that are so dependent on the automobile. Therefore, its massive manufacture and the difficulties for its final disposal, constitutes one of the most serious environmental problems of the last years in the whole world. To analyze this phenomenon at the local level, statistical data were obtained from companies that sell tires, from an authorized manager, and from individuals involved in buying and selling tires. This made it possible to identify the problems present in the city, relating the variables of the quantity of Out of Use Tires that are properly managed, versus the quantity that the end user discards in the common garbage, or chooses to give this waste a second life. In addition, surveys were conducted to determine the knowledge of the community about the correct way to manage and use used tires, and about the standard that regulates them. Information was obtained on the main destinations of Used Tires, which include reuse, handicrafts, and to a lesser extent the authorized manager. It is concluded that the lack of socialization of information by the authorities, and the lack of awareness on the part of the population, are the main causes of inadequate waste management, which can have negative impacts on people's health, such as diseases generated by vectors, and in the environment, by contaminating bodies of water, soil, etc. Aspects to be countered.Item ESTUDIO DE LAS TÉCNICAS DE FORRAJEO DE LA TYRANNIDAE EN DIFERENTES FORMACIONES VEGETALES DEL BOSQUE SECO TUMBESINO(2021-12-13) Cabrera Zambrano, Carla Paullette.; Rodríguez Grimón, René Oscar.Plant structure complexity is considered to be the main factor in charge of sustaining the diversity of species, and as such, influences their foraging behavior. Due to the lack of updated and specific information in the Tumbesian Region of Ecuador, this paper focuses on the study of foraging techniques of Tyranid species and their relationship with the vegetation cover of the strata. As sample of the study, two locations of the Tumbesian Dry Forest were chosen, Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco and Ancón, which represent two different plant formations, dry deciduous forest and dry thorn scrub respectively. A data collection was carried out in the study locations, which was carried out through observations of the species and the percentage of vegetation coverage in 2020 during the months of January, February, September and October. Also, a bibliographic review was carried out that allowed to identify the foraging technique used by each of the species found. With the information collected, the existing relationships were evaluated using a logistic regression model. As a result of the analysis, it was obtained that the 7 foraging techniques of the 21 registered species are not influenced by the characteristics of the vegetation. Although it is theoretically known that there is a relationship between foraging techniques and habitat structure, it is believed that the results of this study did not show strong associations between them because the sampling time was very short.Item EVALUACIÓN DE LA RELACIÓN ENTRE LA DIVERSIDAD DE AVES Y LA ESTRUCTURA VEGETAL EN FINCAS AGROFORESTALES DE CULTIVO DE CACAO EN LA PROVINCIA DE LOS RÍOS, CANTÓN QUEVEDO, ECUADOR.(2021-12-13) Bravo Solórzano, Hellen.; Rodríguez Grimón, René Oscar.Vegetation structure is a very important element for birds when selecting a habitat, therefore, the changes in vegetation will inevitably influence the avifauna. In this study, three types of habitats were characterized and the diversity of birds in each one of them was estimated, in order to evaluate the relationship between bird diversity and the vegetation structure. The study was carried out in the province of Los Ríos, data was collected between January 12th and 22nd, 2021. Specific richness was estimated through a species accumulation curve and the Shannon-Weaver index was calculated to quantify the diversity of birds at each of the sampling points. In addition, it was determined if there is an interaction between the vegetation and the abundance of the bird populations of the different trophic groups. This analysis revealed that the diversity of insectivorous birds is greater in the three types of habitats, being more representative in local monocultures. The difference in means of abundance of individuals by habitat shows very significant p values for the trophic insectivorous group in the three types of habitats. Suggesting that there is a clear influence of the alteration of habitat on insectivorous birds. This bird trophic group is important for the habitats especially due to its potential for pest control in modified environments such as agricultural lands. However, for the design of management plans and habitat improvement, more studies are required.Item CONDICIONES AMBIENTALES Y SU RELACIÓN CON EL RENDIMIENTO PRODUCTIVO EN SISTEMAS DE PRODUCCIÓN CAMARONERA DE CAMANDUL S.A DURANTE EL PERÍODO 2018-2020(2019-06-13) Armijos Dutan, José Andrés.; Pérez, JulianItem RELACIÓN DEL ESFUERZO PESQUERO SOBRE LA POBLACIÓN DEL CANGREJO ROJO (UCIDES OCCIDENTALIS)(2022-03-13) Arias Espinoza, Valeria.; Rodríguez Grimón, René OscarIn Ecuador, the fishery of Ucides occidentalis (red crab) is one of the most representative and economically important activities for several communities of ancestral users, however, there is a high capture pressure that threatens this resource. Therefore, this research seeks to generate information regarding the population status of the species and the capture effort in eight sites of the Nuevo Porvenir Cooperative concession, in which burrows were counted, sex, maturity stage and activity were identified, and the fishing and capture effort of 87 crabbers was estimated by means of surveys conducted at the port of embarkation during the rainy season. The results showed that there were sites with a larger diameter of burrows and a greater number of adult male burrows than the remaining sites. The variables of effort and catch showed a relationship of 45% with a maximum sustainable catch of 60 crabs/men/hours, while catch per unit effort (CPUE) and density obtained a direct relationship of 27%. It is concluded that the impact of harvesting influences the development and catch of the resource and it is suggested to apply an adaptive fishery management to guarantee a sustainable use of the resourceItem DISEÑO DE UN PLAN DE MANEJO Y GESTIÓN DE DESECHOS Y RESIDUOS ORGÁNICOS PARA PLANTA INCUBADORA DE POLLOS(2022-04-13) Arias Alvarez, Arturo Andrés.The present study was developed with the purpose of designing an environmental management plan and organic waste management for the Fernández Chongón Chicken Incubator Plant, in the preliminary study it was possible to observe shortcomings in relation to the management of said waste, which has represented an environmental risk due to the high probability of associated contamination. The research worked with an inductive method, since although the particular situation of a hatchery was analyzed, the results obtained and the management plan designed can be adapted and adjusted for application in other hatcheries in the country. The main results allowed to determine that there are shortcomings in waste management, since the mixture and dispersion of these in the soil was identified, in addition to the inadequate disposal of dead birds, and the contamination of wastewater was corroborated. After the investigation, it was concluded that the established actions that go from the training of the personnel to the standardization of procedures, contribute and guarantee both the health of the workers, and the impact on the environment with more efficient processes.Item ESTUDIO DELEFECTO CAUSADO POR EL NIVEL DE INTERVENCIÓN HUMNA EN BOSQUE PROTECTOR CERROBLANCO SOBRE LOS PATRONES ECOLÓGICOS DE AVES ANDÉMICAS ENTRE EL AÑO 2020 Y 2021(2022-01-13) Alvarado Carrión, Karen; Rodríguez Grimón, René Oscar.There are many animal species that are in danger of extinction, or others that have had to modify their behavior and habitat due to threats such as: habitat loss and transformation, direct overexploitation of species and natural resources, introduction of invasive or exotic species, environmental pollution and climate change. The main cause for the described scenario is human intervention, since it is considered a variable that conditions the ecological patterns of species. Given the above, the objective of this research is to analyze the effect of human intervention on the ecological patterns of endemic birds between 2020 and 2021 in the Cerro Blanco Protected Forest. The methodology is composed by an experimental design, where the data collection used counting points separated at least 150 meters. The counts were carried out at 11 points during 5 minutes, between 6:30 am and 11:00 am. A 50 m radius and binoculars were used for these sightings; a field investigation was also carried out to determine the number of visitors. The results determined that 45 endemic birds were sighted in 2020 and 50 in 2021; while the number of visitors increased from one year to another, so it is concluded that human intervention does not influence the ecological patterns of endemic birds. In addition, the statistical association analysis corroborates the above, since the Spearman correlation coefficient determined an index between the number of visitors and the presence of birds of 0.153, which expresses that there is no relationship.Item ANÁLISIS DEL CONTENIDO DE LAS CONVERSACIONES PÚBLICAS ACERCA DEL SENESCYT EN TWITTER UTILIZANDO SOCIAL LISTENING(2016-01) Lopez Serrano, Roberto Estuardo; Barniol Gutierrez, María del CarmenThe influence of the National Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) has taken a predominant relevance in the daily life of millions of Ecuadorians, that had led to a profound debate regarding the decisions and projects it endorse. To have a clear understanding of the trends in opinions and attitudes towards SENESCYT, the government entities and education professionals, can obtain information through the conversations that are occurring in social media networks like Twitter. The main objective of the present study is to analyze Twitter content to identify main conversations and trends using this social network historic information. The analyzed content was taken from a sample, extracted using the Social Listening tool Brandwatch, selected from tweets made between the period march 1,2015 and august 31,2016, using keywords in relation with SENESCYT. The tweets were grouped by sentiment, genre, thematic, handle information. As a result of the research it can be concluded that the majority of the opinionated comments expressed negative sentiment regarding the Secretary, and that the common citizens argue about the utility and their results.Item VARIACIÓN ESPACIAL E INTERMAREAL DE ACEITES Y GRASAS EN EL ESTERO SALADO EN GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR(2014-10) Alvear Pesantes, Gabriela Paola; Ormaza Gonzales, Franklin IsaacThe excess of oil and grease in the water causes gas exchange deficiency, difficulty in biological processes and decreases the amount of dissolved oxygen due to microbial degradation. The area studied is set in the Estero Salado of Guayaquil, taking in consideration five points that are Miraflores, Albán Borja, Aventura Plaza, puente Zigzag y puente 5 de Junio. The objective is to determine the special and temporary concentration of oil and grease, as well as the tidal influence in their transport. One water and sediment sample was taken for every sampling station. The stratified random sampling method was used along with the analytical method 5520 D and 5520 E in the laboratory. The concentration of oil and grease in five of the sampling stations was ≤0.44 mg/dm3. The results obtained in the nocturnal decreasing tide and low tide were 0.80 mg/dm3 y 1.40 mg/dm3, in that order. The sampling station that showed the highest concentration in sediments was puente 5 de Junio with 441.19 mg/kg.