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Item PLAN PARA LA ADMINISTRACIÓN Y ABASTECIMIENTO DE EFECTIVO EN CANALES DE SERVICIOS DE UNA INSTITUCIÓN FINANCIERA 2020(2020) SOLANO CARRIÓN, DIEGO FERNANDO; ARTEAGA GARCIA, MARIA ELIZABETHAbstract: The general objective of this study was to develop a plan to manage and supply cash in service channels offered by a financial institution in the city of Loja, Ecuador. The institution has presented problems related to the services offered through the ATMs, generating disagreement both in the institution's staff and in the users of the services. A survey was applied to supervisors and operators of the atm's, to find out their opinions and experiences about the service provided by the institution, as well as an interview with officials and information on the opinion of the users of financial services obtained was added. through a survey. A descriptive research was carried out with a mixed quantitative / qualitative approach. It was possible to know that the biggest problems are centered on the cost of armored transport, the time in which the money is delivered to the agencies and the quality of the tickets that are normally rejected by customers and service users, in addition to other setbacks that affect the quality of service. Given the importance of the activities carried out by the financial institution, a proposal was made for an administration plan and cash supply in service channels, in order to improve these processes and achieve greater satisfaction in customers and users of the system.Item PLAN PARA LA GESTIÓN DE PROYECCTO PARA LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE UNA PLANTA DE CAMPOST "SAN JOSÉ"(2021-07-13) Ramón Zhigui, Katherine Ivanova,; Medina Murillo, Dennisse Vanessa.; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.Item IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA LÍNEA DE BEBIDAS FUNCIONALES LÍQUIDAS A BASE DE HIERBAS AROMÁTICAS PARA LA MICROEMPRESA DON DANIEL DE LA FUNDACIÓN DANIEL ÁLVAREZ(2021-06-13) Gómez Vargas, María Elizabeth.; Salame Sangster, Carlos Luis.; Ibarra Garzón, Víctor.Item IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN CENTRO DE SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS EN LA EMPRESA HIVIMAR S.A.(2021-10-13) Alvarado, Rolando.; Hoyos, Jorge.Item “MÓDULO DE INFORMACIÓN DE TARIFAS Y PROCEDIMIENTOS EN SITIO WEB DE SALUD SA”.(2021-03-13) Lozano de la Ese, Paulette.; Espinoza Pacheco, Nathaly.; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.Item OPTIMIZACIÓN DEL PROCESO DE PRODUCCIÓN DE LA SOLDADURA LÍQUIDA EN LA EMPRESA MEXICHEM ECUADOR S.A.(2021-07-13) Peralta Barriga, Paolo Andrés.; Solórzano Sosa, Mishelle Abigail.; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.Item “DISEÑAR E IMPLEMENTAR UN SISTEMA DE FACTURACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA PARA OPTIMIZAR EL MANEJO CONTABLE DE LA MICROEMPRESA ORIZZON EN EL CANTÓN MILAGRO DE LA PROVINCIA DEL GUAYAS”(2021-06-13) Calvopiña Llambo, Cristina Elizabeth.; Rodríguez Olaya, Melanny Juliana.; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.Item PLAN PARA LA GESTIÓN DE PROYECTO PARRA EL DESARROLLO DE UNA APP DE SISTEMA DE GESTIÓN DE COLA, ESPERA Y TURNOS.(2021-05-13) Carvajal Inca, Jhon Jairo.; Celi Andrade, María Fernanda.; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.Item PLAN PARA LA GESTIÓN DE PROYECTO PARA LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE UN EDIFICIO DE VIVIENDAS MULTIFAMILIAR.(2021-06-13) Salvatierra Peñaranda, Eduardo Arturo.; Vite Quezada, Mao Roberto.; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.Item INSTALACI´PON DE UNA MÁQUINA APLICADORA DE PAPEL EN UNA FÁBRICA DE BATERÍAS DE PLOMO - ÁCIDO.(2021-06-13) Coello Chedraui, Xavier Antonio.; De Santis Aguirre, Juan Andrés.; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.Item EXPANSIÓN COMERCIAL Y PRODUCTIVA DE LA DISTRIBUIDORA "LA SAMBITA"(2021-01-13) Hurtado Abad, Jheny del Rocío,; Ramos Pinto, Carolina Elizabeth.; Hoyos Zavala, Jorge Roberto.Item REPOTENCIACIÓN DE LA PLATAFORMA VIRTUAL DE PAGO SUCRE.(2021-07-13) López Murrieta, Fidel J.; Pérez Vásquez, Harold A.; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.There is the opportunity to have a virtual means of payment (SUCRE) in which you can meet the obligations pending payment (basic service sheets, tax obligations, etc.), and also be able to pay any invoice generated by a public establishment or private. With this, the State could ensure that all obligations can be crossed with tax credits, as well as encourage all generated invoices to have a first and last name, so that this is the reason for a correct financial analysis and subsequent payment of taxes. As a collateral effect, payment with physical money so diminished by the current pandemic, COVID19, would be mostly avoided. As a result, we observed and determined the viability of this Project so that it could be the entry point and new implementation of a payment mechanism that is making a strong foray into the world, both for its ease and security, as well as its help in the health part , a field in which future infections would be avoided given the non-manipulation of paper money, which would help to take care of ourselves, and to be able to follow the guidelines of the Government of Ecuador and the World Health Organization (WHO).For the creation of the afore mentioned, the Project is approved by the Government entity (Ministry of Finance), and developing the good practices found in the PMBOK 6th. edition (PMI), the Project Management Plan has been created, and in this way correctly culminate our deliverables that make up this Project.Item PROBLEMÁTICA Y ALTERNATIVAS DE SOLUCIÓN DE UNA EMPRESA DE INSTALACI´N Y MANTENIMIENTO DE FIBRA ÓPTICA.(2021-02-13) Pinto, Victor.; Villamar Rivadeneira, Annie Gianella; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.Item "EJECUCIÓN DE LOS PRIMEROS 12 KM DE LA CARRETERA CALEMAR - ABRA NARANJILLO, ADICIONAL DE OBRA N0-02"(2021-01-13) Molina Andrade, Diego Sebastián.; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.Item AUTOMATIZACIÓN DEL PROCESO DE ELABORACIÓN DEL PLAN OPERATIVO ANUAL EN LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MACHALA A PARTIR DEL AÑO 2022(2021-06-13) Basilio Banchón, Fanny Eunice.; Fernández Rodríguez, Francisco Javier.Item EJECUCIÓN DE PROYECTO HABITACIONAL TIPO CONDOMINIO "EDIFICIO ESMERALDA"(2021-06-13) Rendón Cabrera, Francisco Manuel.; Vera Macías, Gregory Adony.; González Rugel, José Luis.Item CONSTRUCCIÓN E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN CENTRO DE ALOHAMIENTO PARA FOMENTAR EL TURISMO ECOLÓGICO EN LA ZONA RURAL DE MANTA BOSQUE DE PACOCHE.(2021-03-13) Orosco, Andrea.; Sempértegui, Sara.; Salem, Andrea.Item FABRICACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE INGENIERÍA PARA LA DESINFECCIÓN DEL CAVID-19 EN LA METROVÍA DE GUAYAQUIL(2021-06-13) Auad San Lucas., David Eduardo.; Arteaga García, María Elizabeth.Item MIGRACIÓN DE ENLACES INALÁMBRICOS POR ENLACES DE FIBRA ÓPTICA EN EL CANTÓN GUALACEO.(2021-04-13) Sangurima Alvarado, Eliana Fernanda.; Hoyos Zavala, Jorge Roberto.Item CONSTRUCCIÓN DE UNA URBANIZACIÓN PARA LA COMERCIALIZACIÓN Y VENTA DE LOTES MULTIFAMILIARES EN LA CIUDAD DE GUAYAQUIL(2021-03-13) Espinoza J, Byron A..; Bravo M, Frank A.; Hoyos Zavala, Jorge.