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Item CASO DE ESTUDIO: IMSERVA S.A.(2019-05-13) Vallejo Dueñas, Andrea Karina; Carpio Freire, RaúlItem LA RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL EN LAS PYMES RECICLADORAS DE GUAYAQUIL(2019-06-13) Valle Flores, Paola Fernanda.; Viña Brito, Silvia MargaritaNowadays, companies employ long-term sustainable business models; minimizing social, environmental and financial risks. The practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a strategy that allows companies to implement programs seeking the balance between the creation of wealth and the minimization of human, natural and economic effects, demonstrating the degree of commitment they have with their stakeholders. The recycling industry is a booming business, recently included in the prioritized chain of the Product Matrix in Ecuador for the monetary benefits they have been creating and the favorable effects for the environment and employment in a poor segment of the population. In the city of Guayaquil there are about 60% of the nationwide recycling companies, but the perceptions that these companies have of the application of CSR are not known. In this context, the objective of this document is to apply an instrument to measure the perception of the managers of SME recyclers in Guayaquil about the practice of CSR, present basic concepts related to CSR and explain the business model of recycling. The results are shown the perception of CSR in SMEs is mainly oriented to social practice, followed by the economics, and the least interest is the environmental aspect; recommendations were made in order to improve them.Item DIAGNÓSTICO DE LA PERCEPCIÓN SOBRE LA IMPORTANCIA DEL PROTOCOLO EN LA SUCESIÓN DE LAS EMPRESAS FAMILIARES DE GUAYAQUIL(2019-05-13) Salcedo Arciniega, Freddy Esteban.; Rovayo Vera, Gabriel AbelardoFamily businesses have their founders, who have been responsible for leading the companies in the first generation, however, it comes a time in which the leadership must be transferred to another member of the organization. Due to the inherent formality of the private or non-family businesses, leaders will always have a successor because there has been a plan for coupling and delegation of new functions. However, due to the informality present in family businesses, they usually do not elaborate a family protocol for a future transition and when a new leader is needed, the person in charge does not always have the appropriate profile and competences, which compromises the sustainability of the company in the long term. The objective of this research paper is to diagnose the perception that leaders of family businesses in Guayaquil have about the family protocol and to raise awareness about the protocol as a tool for continuity. The research has a qualitative and exploratory approach, having as the unit of study family businesses in Guayaquil. Throughout the paper are defined the terms family business, family protocol and succession. There is a literary review of research papers focusing on the problems that face family businesses in Guayaquil. Finally, the paper presents the results of interviews to 12 leaders of companies in Guayaquil and 3 experts in the field, allowing the managers of these companies to evaluate the importance and necessity of creating a family protocol to achieve an adequate succession and to project the company in the long term as sustainable over time.Item EVALUACIÓN DE LA SATISFACCIÓN LABORAL DE LOS TRABAJADORES DE AGUAPEN-EP(2019-04-13) Ponce Morales, Carla Estefania.; Flores Urbano, Gonzalo Augusto,The objective of this research work is to study the job satisfaction of the employees of the Aguapen Public Company and the relevant factors that affect it; research that is a precedent to improve the quality of the service offered through the management of human talent. In order to achieve this, literary information is gathered and several scientific articles are analyzed, from which the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire is chosen, as a measuring instrument, whose reliability was verified by analysis of Cronbach's Alpha of 0.930. Using the formula of finite populations, it was determined that the sample sized should be 201 employees who were found to have a level of "satisfied", corresponding to 4 points on a scale of 1 to 5, with the dimension "intrinsic satisfaction" where there is a higher incidence. At the end of this investigation, it is found that the highest total of extrinsic satisfaction score corresponds to the way in which senior managers treat employees, while the lowest extrinsic satisfaction scores correspond to the salary received by employees in relation to each one's workload, the policies of the company, the opportunities for improvement and recognition for a good job. It is recommended that future research analyze the direct relationship between job satisfaction and constructs with low valuations such as salary.Item EMPRESA PROMOTORA INMOBILIARIA FISCONS(2019-07-13) Ortega Santos, Doménica.; Espinoza Samaniego, CésarItem CONSINO Y SUS ELEVADORES AUTOMOTRICES WALLKER.(2019-04-13) Noboa Veloz, Washington Giovanny; Carpio, Raúl.Item PROPUESTA PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LA EDUCACIÓN FINANCIERA COMO HERRAMIENTA DE RESPALDO AL PLAN DE INCLUSIÓN EN EL ECUADOR(2019-05-13) Mosquera Guijarro, Jonathan Xavier,; Campos Cardenas, EliecerThe subject of financial education in Ecuador has been very much in the last decade, however, it has not been possible to demonstrate its representative participation in strategies of financial inclusion, which gives rise to statistics with a minimum knowledge of ways of saving, investment or financing that influence low rates of prosperity and poverty reduction in the country. The objective of this paper is to analyze the current situation of financial education in Latin America and Ecuador for sectors included and not included financially in order to develop a proposed financial education program that supports the inclusion strategies proposed in Ecuador. It is carried out through a descriptive and exploratory research with a qualitative approach through data from different authors, it is concluded that focusing financial education programs on excluded sectors supports the inclusion plan in Ecuador immediately and sustainably, granting two benefits immediately that of the accessibility or inclusion and in turn the sustainability of knowledge within a financial system for the benefit of prosperity and poverty reduction in Ecuador.Item CASO FAYAD Vs. WIGO(2019-06-13) Moral Ortega, María Leticia; Moral Ortega, César; Espinoza Samaniego, CésarItem CASO DE ESTUDIO: HOSPITAL SAN JOSÉ ,EL RETO PARA CONTINUAR.(2019-07-13) Merling Obando, María José; Campos, EliecerItem CASO DE ESTUDIO "ALMACENES ESTUARDO SÁNCHEZ"(2019-04-13) Mercado Valero, Edwin,; Carpio Freire, Carlos RaúlItem AROMA COFFEE UNA OPORTUNIDAD DE EXPANSIÓN(2019-05-13) Mendoza Bustamante, Carlos Alberto.; Veléz del Hierro, CésarItem ESTUDIO DE LA SATISFACCIÓN DEL SERVICIO DE SALUD EN EL SEGURO SOCIAL CAMPESINO EN MANABÍ, ECUADOR EN EL AÑO 2017(2019-07-13) Loor Valdivieso, Jesús Vicente.; Cajías Vazco, Paúl.The objective of the present study is to evaluate the perception that the affiliates of the Rural Social Security (SSC) of Manabí, Ecuador have regarding the health service received during the year 2017. It begins with a review of the origin and background of the SSC in Ecuador, levels of care and complexity. In addition, the concepts of service quality and its main characteristics are studied. Through the application of an instrument and semi-structured interviews to patients seen in 48 medical clinics in the province of Manabí, the factors that influence the first level of health care are identified. It is concluded that affiliates perceive that the transfer conditions, the residence of the staff and a limited infrastructure or resolutive capacity, could be the causes for inadequate attention. Being a study carried out on health care in this special social security scheme, unique in the region, it is recommended to carry out other investigations that allow establishing mechanisms to comply with the standards established for primary health care.Item PLAN DE NEGOCIOS ELECTROTEL(2019-04-13) León Fernández, Jaime.; Duque Oliva, Edison Jair.Item CASO: CENTROS DE SERVICIOS, UNA OPORTUNIDAD DE NEGOCIOS EN LA INDUSTRIA DE LA MADERA DEL ECUADOR(2019-06-13) Legarda Izquierdo, Emilio.; Viña Brito, SilviaItem EVALUACIÓN DE LA SATISFACCIÓN LABORAL Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESEMPEÑO PERCIBIDO POR LOS COLABORADORES DE EMPRESAS CONSTRUCTORAS(2018-04-13) Flores Ramos, Jeniffer Michelle.; Cuadrado González, SilviaJob satisfaction is a key element in achieving the objectives of organizations. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the factors of Labor Satisfaction that most affect the Performance perceived by the Workers of Construction Companies. The applied methodology is of quantitative type with an exploratory and descriptive scope, these investigations describe the characteristics of a phenomenon, it is also correlational, since the present study has as objective to know the relationship that exists between the variables satisfaction and performance. The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionary (MSQ) evaluation instrument was applied to a sample of 210 employees who work in different areas in three construction companies in the canton. The results show that personal development is the factor of job satisfaction that most affects their performance, while the relationship with the authority is the least affected. It is concluded that the factors of Labor Satisfaction prevailing in the workers of the construction sector correspond to social relations (64%) and personal development (65%).Item INFLUENCIA DEL NIVEL DE SATISFACCIÓN EN EL DESEO DE ASISTIR DE LOS VISITANTES DE LA FERIA GASTRONÓMICA INTERNACIONAL RAÍCES, 2018.(2019-05-13) Johnson Plascencio, Christian Daniel.; Vélez del Hierro, César.The growing interest of gastronomy as one of the decisive elements to select a tourist destination requires that the value of customer satisfaction be at a high standard. That is why this article measures the level of satisfaction and the factors that influence the assistants at the most important gastronomic tourism event in Ecuador, called Feria Gastronómica Internacional Raíces 2018. Methodologically, the treatment of the data of this work is composed of non-probabilistic sampling technique, for convenience and exploratory, commonly used in this type of research, where individuals are available in an accessible manner, in an indeterminate number and in a specific space. The research approach was quantitative. The survey instrument used to collect the valid research data to 397 people. According to the Department of Tourism and Civic Promotion of the Alcaldía de Guayaquil, nearly 70 thousand national and foreign visitors attended the Centro de Convenciones Simón Bolívar, venue of the Fair. In order to obtain their perception of the event, the evaluation of attributes of logistics under the scale of Likert of five points was used Among the findings found, he noted that the attributes of wifi network, duration of the event and location, obtained an average of 4.64 / 5 which is considered as a high level of satisfaction, while the acoustics did not meet the expectations of visitors since his grade was 3.97 / 5.Item SUCESIÓN EN LA DIRECCIÓN Y CONFLICTOS EN EMPRESAS FAMILIARES: ESTUDIO DE CASOS EN PEQUEÑAS EMPRESAS FAMILIARES DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR DEL ECUADOR(2019-04-13) Hernández Proaño, Alba Michelle; Espinoza Samaniego, CésarThe purpose of this research was analyzing the succession and conflicts existing in small family businesses that are focused in the international trade in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Also, the most relevant characteristics of this type of organization will be investigated, the academic and professional profile of the current representatives and future successors are describe, and the direction in which the succession process occurs will be identified. At the same time, are identifying the main conflicts that will arise within the organization between the founders and future successors. The research method is the study of multiple cases in which four small companies in the international trade sector will be analyzed. The data were collected through personal interviews previously structured with the founder or at least one successor. Finally, as a result we have obtained that the succession is not planned in family businesses, this occurs naturally when the founder had completed his cycle or unexpectedly due like disability or death. In relation to the conflicts that suffer family businesses, it was determined that family business who were interviewed, considers that the conflict with the highest index is the incompetence of some members of the family who are working in the organization.Item AQUAMAX EP – EL DESAFÍO DE LA DISTRIBUCIÓN(2019-06-13) Dunkley Tomalá, Susana Rafaela.; Carpio Freire, RaúlItem ANÁLISIS DE ALTERNATIVAS DE SOLUCIÓN PARA MEJORAMIENTO DE PROCESOS DEL TRANSPORTE TERRESTRE DE CONTENEDORES EN LOS ACCESOS DE LOS PRINCIPALES TERMINALES PORTUARIOS DE LA CIUDAD GUAYAQUIL(2019-06-13) Correa Acebo, María Angélica; Meza Mora, LuisA Significant growth in foreign trade has led to an increase in the movement of container land transport worldwide due to the need to load cargo to different actors that are part of the maritime transport logistics chain. This increase in movement has had an impact on traffic congestion at the accesses to the Port Terminals of Guayaquil. The objective of this paper is to analyze the problem of land transport of containers in the accesses to the port terminals of Guayaquil in order to generate alternative solutions. It is presented through an exploratory investigation through the technique of interviewing experts that leads to determine measures, processes, mechanisms and tools adopted internationally and nationally, and analyze which are the most appropriate for the situation in the City of Guayaquil, it is concluded that the Avenue of the Angels of access to BananaPuerto, TPG and Avenida Don Bosco 5 of access to Fertisa generate greater economic, social and environmental effects to the actors and surroundings, the alternative of decisive solution is the implementation of infrastructure works of expansion of spaces in accesses and terminals, because studies and technology can improve coordination, security and planning but will not increase their operational capacity of their current demandItem DIAGNÓSTICO DE SATISFACCIÓN DE USUARIOS EN EL CENTRO GERIÁTRICO HOGAR LA ESPERANZA # 2 GUAYAS(2019-06-13) Colina Chaquinga, María Fernanda; Meza Mora, Luis JacintoThe present work of investigation approaches like objective to diagnose the level of satisfaction of the users in the Center Geriatric Home La Esperanza. Throughout the world, consumer satisfaction plays an increasingly important role in the reforms of the quality of care and in the provision of health services in general. The present study is of a quantitative nature and is carried out through the Servqual questionnaire directed as a population to 56 older adults who are currently in the La Esperanza Home Geriatric Center No.2. When reviewing the literature on customer satisfaction, the consensus lies mainly in the expectations, the confirmation of these, the performance, the equity and the level of affection. The main result of the study is the existence of a gap between the level of expectations and the perception of users, therefore it is concluded that older adults are mildly dissatisfied with the service received by the center under study